My article “Gibraltar, Ceuta, Melilla, and Western Sahara: Four Euro-Spanish Challenges” (DOI: is now published in open access at page 1-11 of the Newsletter of the Academy of Yuste, Issue 45 (January 2025), ISSN 2695-7027. The paper, translated by Verónica Guillén Melo, available also in Spanish “Gibraltar, Ceuta, Melilla y el Sáhara Occidental: cuatro desafíos euro-españoles“(DOI: at page 1-12 of the Boletín de la Academia de Yuste (Issue 45, January 2025). The contribution will be included in the bilingual Annual Newsletter (English: Newsletter Annual of the Academy of Yuste: Reflections on Europe and Ibero-America; Spanish: Anuario del Boletín de la Academia de Yuste: Reflexiones Sobre Europa e Iberoamérica) which will be published in June 2016 in digital and print version by the Fundación Academia Europea e Iberoamericana de Yuste.