On Tuesday 20 June 2023 at 09:10-09:30 UCT/GMT/WET I will present my paper ‘The Impact of Gender Dimension on Warfare‘ at the 5th Erasmus Gender Seminar and Military Gender Studies Multiplier Event themed: ‘Gender perspectives in higher education’ (Erasmus GS23), that will held on 19-20 June at the Military Academy, Amadora, Portugal. The presentation will be live-streamed via Zoom at the following link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/95029820654?pwd=ZUY1VGVET1NSeDNYZ0hsakE0bU91QT09. Meeting ID: 950 2982 0654 – Password 428785. The abstract will be published in the Erasmus GS23 Abstract Book and Conference Proceedings.
CERSAN2024 Program Now Available
The official program and book of abstracts of the 11th Annual Conference on International Studies (CESRAN2024), to be held in hybrid format...