Comment on Cyprus’ NATO Aspirations Released on Sputnik Int.
Requested by Sputnik International, I commented on the alleged Cyprus’s desire to join NATO. The article with my remarks is available here: The comment is available also in Sputnik International on Telegram at
Member of the Editorial Team of Media and Society
Upon request of the editorial leadership, I joined the Editorial Team of Media i Społeczeństwo (Media and Society), an open access peer reviewed journal published by the University of Bielsko-Biala, Poland (ISSN: 2083-5701, eISSN: 2545-2568).
Member of the IK Group of Experts on Dual-use technology for the Road to Polish Presidency
Upon request of the chairwoman of Kosciuszko Institute (IK), Marietta Gieroń, I accepted to become a member of the IK Working Group of Experts III on Dual-use technology for the Road to Polish Presidency – CYBERSEC 2025. The goal of the initiative by KI is to support the Polish presidency of the EU Council in achieving […]
Participation in the RC26 IPSA Conference
I will present the paper titled ‘Safeguarding the Future: Developing the Next Generation of Human Rights for Digital and Cognitive Domains’ (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14197410) within Panel 2 ‘The next generations of human rights – attempts at diagnosis and prediction’ of the IPSA Human Rights Research Committee 26 (RC26) interim conference: ‘The evolution of the position and role […]
Lecture at the Sochi Media School
On November 14, 2024, h. 12.00-13.00 (UTC/GMT+3, CET+2), I will give a lecture titled “The weaponization of AI-enabled (dis)information on social media and the metaverse” (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14065868) at the Media School “New technologies in creative industries: media dimension”, that will be held on 12-15 November in Sochi, Russia, organised by the Political Science Center “North-South”.
Participation in the Int. Conference at the Polish Military University of Land Forces
On 13 Nov. 2024 at 15:15-16:50 (CET) I will present the paper ‘Navigating the Risks of Hybrid Warfare: Cyber, Cognitive, and Information Threats at the Brink of Conflict’ within session 2 ‘Developing research on decisions under risk’ at the IX Media Int. Scientific Conference of the series “Decisions in situations of endangerment” to be held […]
Comment on the Attack Against a Christian Cathedral in Ukraine Released in Sputnik
Requested by Sputnik International, I commented on the attack against a Christian Cathedral in Ukraine. The article with my remarks is available here: The comment is available also in Sputnik International on Telegram at this link:
Member of the Scientific Committee of the 15th International Scientific Media Conference
Upon request of dr. Katarzyna Piątek, chairwoman of the Organising Committee of the 15th edition of the International Scientific Media Conference entitled “More than a game… Media, Social and Economic Dimensions of Traditional and Electronic Sports”, I accepted the invitation to join the Scientific Committee of the conference that will be held on 15 November […]
Academic Coordinator for Erasmus+ between Cà Foscari and Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University
Since academic year 2025/2026 I will be the academic coordinator for the Erasmus+ Study Programme in Europe between Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage – DFBC) and Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University, Turkey (ISCED code: 0312 Political sciences and civics).
Lecture at the Int. Workshop on the Arctic
I will give the lecture “Segurança no Ártico: um desafio global” in the second session of the international workshop Perspetivas polares. O Ártico nas ciências humanas e sociais no Brasil, Itália e Portugal (Italian: Prospettive Polari. L’Artico nelle scienze umanistiche e sociali in Brasile, Italia e Portogallo) that will be held online in Portuguese and Italian on 24 October […]