Marco Manuel Marsili Wick

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Participation in the Int. Conference ‘Communication. Disinformation. Propaganda. Information Warfare Ecosystem’


I will present the paper titled ‘Guerre à la Carte: Cyber, Information, Cognitive Warfare and the Metaverse’ at the International Scientific Conference ‘Communication. Disinformation. Propaganda. Information Warfare Ecosystem’ (KDP 2023) organized by the Faculty of Administration and National Security of the Jakub of Paradies University in Gorzow Wielkopolski (Poland), the Baltic Defense College in Tartu (Estonia), the University of Tartu (Estonian Republic), the Estonian Military Academy in Tartu (Estonia), Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) (Estonia) and the Institute of Public Administration and Social Policy at the Faculty of Public Policy of the Silesian University in Opava (Czechia) and Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Ukraine), which will take place on May 25 and 26, 2023 via the MS Teams platform. My presentation will be in the second day, May 26, within English panel VII, 9.00-9.15 CEST (8.00-8.15 UTC/GMT). The conference program is available here.

The paper will be published in Applied Cybersecurity & Internet Governance (ACIG), vol. 2, no. 1, June 2023.