I will present the paper ‘State-driven Hate Speech: From Nazi Germany to Date’ in the opening session of the international conference on Freedom of Expression, Hate Speech, and Religious Freedom: A Human Rights Perspective, 8 December 2022, 5:00-7:50 AM US Eastern Time (ET), 9:30 UTC/GMT or 10:30 CET, United Nations Plaza, New York, NY. The event will be hosted on the Zoom online platform https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85897055131?pwd=Mk5GSmtKaXJvWmJFTUhsZGg1UUxlUT09
Meeting ID: 858 9705 5131 Passcode: 096777. Download here the conference report.
CERSAN2024 Program Now Available
The official program and book of abstracts of the 11th Annual Conference on International Studies (CESRAN2024), to be held in hybrid format...